$20,000+ raised through fundraising and charity events in the community
1000+ Volunteer trips to pick and drop groceries and home cooked meals for the elderly and sick
800+ Volunteer hours by the youth, helping elderly in the community with simple household chores
50+ Meetings organized to support youth and promote mindful kindness
Agent based simulation built by Dev Chheda predicts impact of key decisions on spread of Covid 19 Virus
Choose optimal community options to prevent the spread of virus, protect your family and community
Outreach to local and state authorities to influence decision making on business and school shutdowns using facts and data. Keep a healthy balance preventing spread of virus among the most vulnerable in our community.
The agent based model developed by Dev Chheda, a math scholar, helps simulate global impact due to the virus, create various scenarios and make data driven decisions that can save lives and also save businesses and jobs
If your community needs help, please write to us in a brief message what we can do to improve your community.
We are commited to help every community that reaches out to us in whatever small way we are able to, by providing appropriate resources, skills and time.